Last week we had another wonderful "Spirits In Nature Experience" in our "Ubuntu Treat Home" in Ibiza, in which mother and daughter (19 years old), among others, embarked on this special journey together.

This once again made me realize how beautiful and effective it can be to engage in this process together as a mother daughter, father son or as a family so that a whole new bond can form between the two.

This of course requires courage, bravery and daring, so that from openness, honesty, reflection, understanding and acceptance we can shed new light on certain situations arising from the past, upbringing, conditioning, beliefs and learned values.

We have seen and experienced how mother and daughter have sometimes acted out of anger, misunderstanding, ignorance, loyalty and sadness and by breaking everything open here have created space again for mutual understanding, love, appreciation, growth and acceptance towards each other.

Of course as a parent you never know if you are doing right by your children, you will either never find that out or when they themselves enter into relationships and create awareness in their lives but until then you can only hope that you have done right as a father or mother.

But how cool would it be to enter into a "Happy Soul Family Experience" together with your family or with your children alone in which you as parent(s) and child(ren) are given the opportunity and support to confront old patterns, experiences, breakups and unresolved expressed experiences with each other. This to gain understanding of the situations, discomforts, unspoken issues, confrontations, anger and sadness?

It lives and plays out in many families that children start to turn against both parents from their resistance, detaching early on or fleeing reality and reality at an early age because they don't actually want to go to the pain and sorrow of what is actually going on in their feelings.

Often as human beings we run away from this, closing the doors or living silently or in discontent with each other.

Each person has the right to be able to share each other's truth, perception, experience and misunderstanding so that certain fears, traumas, physical complaints and grief can begin to heal again.

We see how important it is as a child to really feel seen and heard, not to have to choose out of loyalty, but to be able to be sincere and open-minded without being condemned, but also to be able to be open and vulnerable as a parent so that a child also understands why or how certain situations or actions arose.

Therefore, communication between all parties is the most important aspect which is often totally crushed within families, divorced parents or composite form. Often we get stuck in old structures, stories and events that never allow transformative relationships to develop between people.

It is especially beautiful how this dynamic works that we create here and can create new insights, change and a loving new encounter with each other.

This "Happy Soul Family Experience" can support each person in his or her development allowing cyclical patterns, blockages, beliefs and long-running family tragedies to be disentangled so that age-old patterns are broken.

And actually, I believe this can apply to every family if we recognize that many patterns are repeated from our previous generations of our ancestors.

We are able in our present life to transform to another level and to get to a point to break this pattern for good, we have the tools, elements, knowledge and expertise to guide you through this beautiful process and to be able to keep your children from passing this on to their children later on. But that requires awareness, however young they may be or seem.

Our program offers an amalgamation of special elements that run side by side for your children and parents and become one during the process and merge into a new whole.

The exciting thing is that we let you be your authentic selves again where parents can start to feel like children again and kids flow into the world as consciously as possible.

How wonderful it is to go on adventures together again, to play, to laugh, to cry and above all to find each other again from a new form of being. To not get stuck in what once was, but to make new discoveries and memories again and to live in the moment of what really counts the now. Only from that fresh perspective can we all continue to grow and enrich ourselves together with all the beauty life has to offer us. Freedom is all shapes, sizes and colors, equality in all races and religions, connectedness with nature, humans and animals, peace from a judgment-free existence with each other.

For where one door closes, a new one often opens again. And for those for whom the door opens again the sun will shine, the universe will be willing to keep sending. That is what awareness does to us as human beings and if we dare to walk that path together you will find yourself in another dementia that will heal all wounds like snow.

If you recognize yourself in this and feel that you and/or your family or just your children are ready for a special journey together? Then, of course, contact us so that together we can see what the need is and where the challenge of your longing lies.

This week we offer a completely customized program for each individual from the family who joins us.

This "Family Experience" is a week that begins when you book this trip and which starts on Saturday until the following Saturday.

Children share a private room, a hippie lodge or a hippie caravan, and parents share a private fine room together.

Through an additional charge of €350 euros per week for a 4 person Casita with the whole family would possibly also be a possibility.

The parent(s) each pay €1,695 p.p. and the children may join for €350 per child!

We offer this program in places like Ibiza, but also the place or location that you like to choose as a family or as a parent. This means that you can make a combination between vacation and deepening and adventure together. Or we come to the place where you stay for a week.

It will be a journey to never forget and be "Lifechanging" for all of you!

"Lets do this together in a world of love, peace and happinezz with a little dynamic twist forever".