Burnout is sometimes incredibly tough and depressing, but dare to trust the timing and stage of this process

If you resist your burnout, recovery will only take longer. Many people are in the middle of this and sometimes think that surrender equals giving up, so they sometimes fight it very hard. Until they come to realize that burnout is not the enemy, but rather a good friend who comes to bring them an important message.

I know from my own experience that we very much want to control the duration and course of recovery. But by trying to force the process and control it, you unconsciously ensure that your recovery has not even begun. As a result, you are getting in your own way far too much. Especially if you are an enterprising type, you may think that your recovery can be solved in a short time, but because of this you keep standing still for longer and longer.

When you come to the awareness of surrender you can especially experience and feel from your body and health that it is super important to start coming to this total physical and mental relaxation.

"Burnout asks you not to do, but to really be."

As our minds and saboteurs measure up to our hectic society, what we do is more important than who we really are. Perhaps getting out of the doing mode feels very uncomfortable and restless at first. And you feel like you no longer count in this world, or that you are nobody.

Perhaps it makes you realize that your full identity completely coincided with what you once did. This probably now gives you the impetus for a completely new transformation, with which you will create a different life on the path of spirituality, awareness and personal development. This gives you tremendous added value to your physical and mental recovery of body, mind and health, because we simply cannot separate them.

The insights you can gain during this special quest will make you realize that you are not a victim of your burnout, but that you can take responsibility for it, so that you can regain your personal power. The turning point in your recovery comes when you really start to accept your burnout. Of course, this does not happen overnight. In the initial phase you usually encounter a lot of resistance. Especially when you think that surrender equals giving up, so you fight it. Until you realize that your burnout is not your enemy, but can be a very good friend who can show you a new way and bring you an important message.

Accepting and accepting your burnout is the most important step in your recovery. Not only because it releases a lot of energy, this new energy is necessary for your recovery. Also, your perspective will shift from a crisis situation to new opportunities and possibilities, from a crash to a total reset. Instead of clinging frenetically to your past, you will begin to feel more joyful again toward the future. Be open and curious about where this particular process of transformation is going to lead you.

Should you be open to this process and want to receive loving, professional support and tools? Then you just have to ask yourself, what do I need at this moment? And to what extent am I open to further explore and develop my inner journey attuned to my own needs and desires on a special journey with myself.

Which in addition are also completely tuned to rebalance the physical and mental, giving your health a boost in a short period of time, increasing your energy level and allowing you to continue full of joie de vivre.

If you feel this commitment to yourself, know what you envision in this life, but need a little push to sail in that direction then you are in the right place at "Spirit of Soul" and in our "Ubuntu Treat Home Ibiza."

Here we will professionally, lovingly receive, understand, appreciate, acknowledge and approach you without judgment, without labels, without beliefs, without thinking in limitations, but looking at you as an authentic person with all your qualities, pitfalls, patterns, beliefs, blocks, fears etc. With us you may feel and experience how nice it is to really be seen as "Spirit" who matters in whatever phase of your life you are in right now.

Feel totally free for an open and honest conversation with me, to spar together about the opportunities we see that contribute to your beautiful authentic core at this stage of life.

Yu, U, Nobuntu Muriel